LEgalize access to medical marijuana

There is absolutely no denying that the vast majority of Americans support providing full, safe, legal access to medical marijuana nationwide.
When a loved one is in pain, wasting away unable to eat, and needs this marvelous herb in order to increase their appetite, reduce the overwhelming pain, and live as healthy and happily as they can with the time they have left, let’s have the compassion to allow them to have it.
Stop treating medical marijuana patients like second-rate citizens and common criminals by forcing them to the dangerous black market for their medicine. Risking incarceration to obtain the medicine you need is no way to be forced to live.
Fear of medical marijuana legalization is unfounded and is not based on any science or fact whatsoever.
The prohibition of marijuana has not decreased the supply nor the demand for medical marijuana at all. Not one single iota, and it never will. Just a huge and complete waste of our tax dollars to continue criminalizing sick patients and senior citizens in pain for choosing a natural, non-toxic, relatively benign plant proven to be much safer than daily handfuls of deadly, toxic, man-made, highly addictive, narcotic pain pills and other pharmaceuticals.
So please, all prohibitionists, we beg you, give your scare tactics, “Conspiracy Theories” and “Doomsday Scenarios” over the inevitable legalization of medical marijuana a rest. Nobody is buying them anymore these days.
Why do prohibitionists feel the continued need to vilify and demonize marijuana when they could more wisely focus their efforts on a real, proven killer, alcohol, which again causes more destruction, violence, and death than all other drugs, COMBINED?
Prohibitionists really should get their priorities straight and or practice a little live and let live. They’ll live longer, happier, and healthier, with a lot less stress if they refrain from being bent on trying to control others through draconian marijuana laws.
There is absolutely no doubt now that the majority of Americans want our politicians to provide us safe, legal access to medical marijuana nationwide. Our numbers grow on a daily basis.
An edited selection of comments submitted online by reader Brian Kelly.