Summer in the Streets
Rage and fear after the overturn of Roe v. Wade

It’s been two weeks since the Supreme Court of the United States voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. The decision generated a widespread rippling effect across the nation as some expressed support, and others total opposition. Chants of “My body, my choice,” echoed throughout the streets of Manhattan on the evening after the decision. Handmade signs conveying the frustrations among protesters of different genders and generations were lifted high into the air, one saying that we’re not going back – back to a historic time when abortion was illegal in most states and had to be consistently fought for.
An American flag was set on fire as an individual shouted, “Everyone, this is your f---ing country,” and spreading flames scorched the colors of red, white and blue. The anger and passion to demand change has remained as demonstrations continue on the streets throughout the country.