Crime Watch

Lock LackPolice remind gym goers that it’s not smart to leave an expensive smart phone in your locker. At 9 p.m. on April 5, a 47-year-old man returned to his locker in the New York Sports Club at 248 West 80th St. to find that the lock on his locker was missing as well as items of his property. The stolen goods included his wallet, credit cards, $150 in cash, and an iPhone valued at $850.
Sub TrubLay valuables on a store counter unattended, and you can count on their disappearing. At 2:30 p.m. on March 23, a 22-year-old man left his phone on the counter in the Subway shop at 33 West End Ave. When he next looked for his phone, it was gone. The stolen cell was an iPhone valued at $1,010.
Stepped OutPolice arrested a light-footed and sticky-fingered thief. At 8 p.m. on March 24, a 24-year-old woman discovered that her wallet was missing when she returned from a class in the Steps dance studio at 2121 Broadway. Police later arrested the thief, a 17-year-old woman, charging her with grand larceny. The amount lost and recovered came to $400.