Central Park’s Women’s Hockey stars Sports

After a recent win at the Empire State Games, the Central Park Senior Lady Hawks women’s team is now preparing for the USA National Hockey Championships in Green Bay, Wis., March 26-30.
The Senior Lady Hawks are a team of college-educated woman new to the working environment of New York City. They have played college hockey at D1 and D3 schools, many of them Ivy. With no league for them to play in after graduation, these hockey players created an all-female, competitive environment at Lasker Rink in Central Park, in which over 40 skilled players play organized hockey together.
In February, a select team was chosen to play in the Empire State Games. The Senior Lady Hawks were undefeated, winning six straight games and bringing home the gold medal.
The Lady Hawks women’s hockey team has no corporate sponsor and players pay for their own travel. The coaches are volunteers and have to do the same. Donations to underwrite their bid at the nationals are being accepted at supportladyhawks.athleteson.ly.