City of Women
A stunning spin on the NYC subway map reveals just how many remarkable females have helped make this city great

Unveiled this month at the New York Transit Museum, the City of Women Map marks subway stops with the names of women like Zora Neale Hurston, Martha Graham, Emma Lazarus, Yoko Ono and scores more. As co-creator Rebecca Solnit explains: "This map was made to sing the praises of the extraordinary women who have, since the beginning, been shapers and heroes of this city that has always been, secretly, a City of Women. And why not the subway? This is a history still emerging from underground, a reminder that it’s all connected, and that we get around.”
Image adapted from "Nonstop Metropolis: A New York City Atlas." "City of Women 2.0" by Rebecca Solnit and Joshua Jelly-Schapiro, cartography by Molly Roy, design by Lia Tjandra; MTA route symbols and map used by permission.
Graphic: Christina Scotti