Out & About
Thu 28
‘217 Boxes of Dr. Henry Anonymous’Bruno Walter Auditorium at the Library of Performing Arts, 111 Amsterdam Ave.
6 p.m. Free with reservation.
Watch an excerpt-in-progress from 217 Boxes, Ain Gordon’s play based on material from the 217-box archive of Dr. John Fryer, accompanied by an exploration of the Library’s LGBT activist materials.
917-275-6975. www.nypl.org/locations/lpa
Jason Vieaux The Stanley H. Kaplan Penthouse at Lincoln Center, 70 Lincoln Center Plaza.
7:30 p.m. $35.
The Grammy-winning guitar player performs with the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in a New Music Series concert. There will be an intermission wine reception and a post-concert discussion with musicians and composers.
212-875-5788 www.chambermusicsociety.org.
Fri 29
Book Discussion: ‘Flight Behavior’ Bloomingdale Library, 150 West 100th St.
5:45 p.m. Free.
Everyone’s welcome for this discussion about Barbara Kingsolver’s “Flight Behavior.” 212-222-8030. www.nypl.org/locations/bloomingdale.
‘Black Water’ and ‘Falling Man’Leonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway.
8 p.m. $30; Seniors, Military $25.
The Center for Contemporary Opera presents two monodramas, theatrical or operatic pieces played by a single actor. “Black Water” is based on the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, who drowned as a passenger in Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s car. “Falling Man” tells the story of a man who emerges from the falling rubble of the World Trade Center on 9/11 and witnesses the shocking and terrifying events of that morning.
Sat 30
The Blessing of the BicyclesThe Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave.
9:30–10:15 a.m. Free.
The 18th annual special blessing ceremony that celebrates the lives of bike riders and cycling.
212-316-7540. www.theblessingofthebikes.com.
Birding Basics for FamiliesBelvedere Castle, mid-Park at 79th St.
10-11 a.m. Free.
The first installment of this guided walk led by Central Park Conservancy staff and the NYC Audubon Society. Families only, a maximum of three children per parent or guardian.
212-860-1370. www.centralparknyc.org/events.
Sun 1
Just Kidding: The Big Family Quiz ThingLeonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway.
1:30 p.m. $12 advance; $15 at doors
An afternoon of fast and funny team trivia in this live, family-friendly multimedia quiz show spectacular. Children and their parents team up to show off their knowledge over six rounds and great prizes await!
212-864-5400. www.symphonyspace.org/events
2016 Spring Overlook Concert116th Street Overlook
2 p.m. Free.
A 50-piece band of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments play rousing music from the Renaissance to the present in this installment of Riverside Park’s Overlook Concerts.
212-870-3070. www.riversideparknyc.org.
Mon 2
‘The Soap Myth’Bruno Walter Auditorium at the Library for the Performing Arts, 111 Amsterdam Ave.
6 p.m. Free with reservation.
A reading Jeff Cohen’s play in celebration of Holocaust Remembrance Day. Set more than a half century after the end of World War II, an investigative reporter is caught between numerous versions of the same story. Ed Asner, seven-time Emmy winner will play the role of Milton Saltzman.
917-275-6975 www.nypl.org/locations/lpa.
Kwame Anthony AppiahRobert H. Smith Auditorium at the New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West.
6:30 p.m. $34; members, $20.
A conversation between the NYU professor of philosophy and law and Antonio Monda, artistic director of the Rome Film Festival and Le Conversazioni literary festival, discussing Appiah’s career.
212-485-9268. www.nyhistory.org/programs.
Tues 3
Blast Open Your HeartSt. Agnes Library,
5 p.m. Free.
Elena Zelenina, trained and certified in India and author of “Arts to the Rescue,” will lead this meditation class.
212-621-0619. www.nypl.org/locations/st-agnes.
Secret Science Club NorthLeonard Nimoy Thalia at Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway.
7:30 p.m. $20; members $17; 30 and under $15.
Fernando Bretos, director of the Miami-based Cuba Marine Research and Conservation Program, talks about his work studying Cuba’s remarkable sea creatures, coral reefs and underwater environments.
212-864-5400. www.symphonyspace.org/events.
Wed 4
‘Giselle’Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space
1 p.m. $23; members, $21; 30 & under, $15.
Symphony Space screens a live show of ‘Giselle’ performed by the Royal Ballet. The dance is the quintessential Romantic classic, a love affair that begins in the real world and continues beyond the grave.
212-864-5400. www.symphonyspace.org/events
Manuel BarruecoRobert H. Smith Auditorium at the New-York Historical Society, 170 Central Park West.
7 p.m. $34; members $20.
Manuel Barrueco, recognized as one of the most important classical guitarists of our time, celebrates the work of musicians Manuel de Falla and Enrique Granados . 212-485-9268. www.nyhistory.org/programs.