ode to The MTA and DOT Letter
Now that I am 88
It’s MTA and DOT I love to hate
Moving bus stops is their pleasure
Including most I have learned to treasure
Not so when I was only 70
The 5 and 7 were right near me.
Ah, Fifth avenue and Broadway were my “hoods”
And from there everywhere was good.
But then the Mayor changed the streets
And my buses went into high retreat
At first two blocks for my ascent
But then I noted that stops literally went
No more 5 at its usual corner
For this deprivation I became a mourner
No signs, no alerts, just blown away
What a rotten way to start my day.
No benches at my places
Despite longer and longer spaces
Letters and letters to all and more
Must not even get in the door
“Elder friendly” New York states.
No more folks, we’ll have to wait!
My kind of town New York is----oops--”was”
Claire Fagin