County Executive Neuhaus reminds residents about HEAP benefits

| 29 Nov 2018 | 06:48

    — Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus reminds residents that the county continues to accept applications for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), which is administered by the Department of Social Services.
    “I want to make sure that residents are aware of the help that is available,” Neuhaus said in a press release issued this week. “No one should be cold during this winter season."
    Orange County issued 23,416 regular benefit and emergency benefit payments through the HEAP program during the 2017-18 heating season.
    Both renters and homeowners can be eligible for assistance.”
    HEAP is a federally funded program that assists eligible households in meeting their home energy needs. This includes financial assistance in paying utility and oil bills for each heating season.
    How to applyOrange County Commissioner of Social Services and Mental Health Darcie Miller recommends that applicants use the website to complete and submit a HEAP application.
    HEAP applicants may also apply over the phone by calling 291-2002.
    Senior residents can call Orange County’s Office for the Aging at 615-3710 for information and assistance regarding HEAP.
    EligibilityEligibility for the program is based on the applicant’s income and housing situation.
    The total gross monthly income for household size must be at or below $2,391 for a family of one up to $4,598 for a family of four.
    A family may be eligible for financial assistance in the amount of $21 to $726 depending on heating responsibility, fuel type, income level and household composition.
    “Working together with our state and local partners, we are committed to administering these benefit programs to ensure that those in need receive the support and services that they are eligible for,” Miller said.